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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fracking reduces investment in renewable energy - MIT report

Toxic, biocidal, carcinogenic chemicals injected into Earth's crust

The study finds that shale use suppresses the development of renewables. Under one scenario, for example, the researchers impose a renewable-fuel mandate. They find that, with shale, renewable use never goes beyond the 25 percent minimum standard they set — but when shale is removed from the market, renewables gain more ground.

In light of the recent MIT report stating that fracking slows development of renewable energy technologies, I have decided to post a list of the most common chemicals injected into the ground during hydraulic fracturing (fracking) process, and a second list including the most carcinogenic of these chemicals.

Chemical additives used in fracturing fluids typically make up less than 2% by weight of the total fluid. Over the life of a typical well, this may amount to 100,000 gallons of chemical additives. They are biocides, surfactants, adjusting viscosity, and emulsifiers.

Table 1. Chemical Components Appearing Most Often in Hydraulic Fracturing Products Used Between 2005 and 2009

Chemical Component / No. of Products Containing Chemical :

Methanol (Methyl alcohol) 342
Isopropanol (Isopropyl alcohol, Propan-2-ol) 274
Crystalline silica - quartz (SiO2) 207
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (2-butoxyethanol) 126
Ethylene glycol (1,2-ethanediol) 119
Hydrotreated light petroleum distillates 89
Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda) 8

Table 2 - Longer List of the most dangerous chemicals (incl MANY carcinogens) used in fracking process:

Methanol (Methyl alcohol) HAP 342
Ethylene glycol (1,2-ethan­­ediol) HAP 119
Diesel19 Carcinogen­­, SDWA, HAP 51
Naphthalen­­e Carcinogen­­, HAP 44
Xylene SDWA, HAP 44
Hydrogen chloride (Hydrochlo­­ric acid) HAP 42
Toluene SDWA, HAP 29
Ethylbenze­­ne SDWA, HAP 28
Diethanola­­mine (2,2-imino­­diethanol­) HAP 14
Formaldehy­­de Carcinogen­­, HAP 12
Sulfuric acid Carcinogen 9
Thiourea Carcinogen 9
Benzyl chloride Carcinogen­­, HAP 8
Cumene HAP 6
Nitrilotri­­acetic acid Carcinogen 6
Dimethyl formamide HAP 5
Phenol HAP 5
Benzene Carcinogen­­, SDWA, HAP 3
Di (2-ethylhe­­xyl) phthalate Carcinogen­­, SDWA, HAP 3
Acrylamide Carcinogen­­, SDWA, HAP 2
Hydrogen fluoride (Hydrofluo­­ric acid) HAP 2
Phthalic anhydride HAP 2
Acetaldehy­­de Carcinogen­­, HAP 1
Acetopheno­­ne HAP 1
Copper SDWA 1
Ethylene oxide Carcinogen­­, HAP 1
Lead Carcinogen­­, SDWA, HAP 1
Propylene oxide Carcinogen­­, HAP 1
p-Xylene HAP 1
Methanol (Methyl alcohol) 342
Isopropano­­l (Isopropyl alcohol, Propan-2-o­­l) 274
Crystallin­­e silica - quartz (SiO2) 207
Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (2-butoxye­­thanol) 126
Ethylene glycol (1,2-ethan­­ediol) 119
Hydrotreat­­ed light petroleum distillate­­s 89
Sodium hydroxide (Caustic soda) 80

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